Misspelling sacred for scared can significantly change the meaning of a story.  When your riding and writing from a motorcycle you won’t catch it for a few hundred miles or when you stop for a long rest.  Being on the bike takes total focus and awareness, after a couple hours I…oh yeah, focus and awareness. 

Looking down at my notes on the gas tank, today’s Vision Board says “make it home.”  Also scribbled on my memo book is “Crown Chakra.”

I was energized to investigate Buddhism, spirituality and wellness as it applies to motorcycling.  The teachings of the Tao are thousands of years old and depending on the source, interpretations can vary.  The recurring idea is to be authentic while loving yourself and the Universe.

The Root Chakra gives stability, balance and support for the tower of energy in each of us.  I kick the tires on my bike before every ride.  My tires are my connection to the road and Earth.  I’ve started to kick the Root Chakra every morning to give me that confident foundation to balance on.

The Sacral Chakra has fed my creativity and also helped me flow and become flexible.  Never knowing what the art of life has around the next corner, it’s always best to manifest pleasure and be flexible.

Power and strength to do the WORK of figuring out who you are comes from nourishing the Solar Plexus.  Making rules for myself and sticking to them has made riding not only safer, but more fun.

Love isn’t hard to come by but compassion takes effort.  Testing your heart isn’t fun and limits it’s performance.  The heart can take a beating and showering it with forgiveness tempers you for battle.

Without communication and expression there is no evolution.  In order to evolve, ideas and creativity must flow through the Throat Chakra.  I bolstered this Chakra talking to cows I passed on the High Plains.

The Third Eye can vitalize the whole operation with intuition.  This sixth Chakra or sixth sense helps us trust ourselves and the Universe.  Meditation has allowed me trust my instincts and fortify my appetite for stability.

I’ve tried to ride and picture the Lotus blossom from my Crown Chakra, but at 75 mph the bugs hurt.  Opening this one is best for the hotel room or campsite.  The Crown is the door to whatever your Source is. Open the door to the totality, infinity or cosmos.  Knowledge and spirituality renew the Crown and help balance energy and the Chakra System.

Balance is the principal of the Tao, the balance of work and rest.  Balancing this bike in the wind while questioning my own authenticity is as distracting as the voices in my head and screaming exhaust.  This trip got me closer to everything including home.

Made it!  I’m heading back to the compound and spend less time thinking for a minute.  Time to take a swim in Lake Robert.  There’s a spot in the mountains where a huge waterfall comes from above to pound the Earth.  The air is thick with energy and the Universe showers the ground with love. I’m going to stand there and wash away the weight of hours of overthinking and over analyzing.  I’ll be away from my desk.

It’s never too late!

Safety Third