Day 2 The Sacral Chakra

Laying low in a parking lot with a couple dozen others seeking shelter from the storm.  We are behind a Union Pacific train car getting respite from the passing thunderstorms.  It got sideways here fast.  In the scramble a couple bikes hit the ground.  The flagpole across the street looks like it could snap while Old Glory whips furiously.  Someone suggests we may have to rescue the flag if it hits the ground.  The voice in my head says “Merica”.   The black sky lights up with lightening exploding around us.  The sound of the flag about to be ripped away is occasionally drowned out by the claps of thunder. Claps are for golf, this thunder sends shockwaves through the ground and into your chest.  This could be heart stopping for a couple of the older bikers next to me.

The sun must have felt excluded.  She’s lit the sky with fire from the west.  The rainbow overhead couldn’t display it’s colors with more clarity.  The Seven Chakras are in the order of the colors of a rainbow.  The colors are stacked or balanced on the Root Chakra or the color red.  The next color is orange and represents the Sacral Chakra. The Sacral Chakra is associated with your reproductive organs.  This Chakra is a source for creativity, sensuality, and pleasure.

One of the outlaws who sought shelter from the storm has stripped down to his briefs.  Brandishing a bar of soap he lathers up while the natural shower rinses away his pneuma.  That’s creativity and being impulsive.  Water is a key element to the Sacral Chakra.  I wonder if he’s thinking about the rain cleansing and allowing the universe in?  More than likely his old lady told him he needed a bath.

The Sacral Chakra is connected to sensuality.  Bikers should be on board when it comes to sensual pleasures.  Smell, taste, hearing, touch, vision.  Being in touch with your senses, emotions, mind and soul feed creativity.  There’s amazing creativity in this community. The artistry of the bikes, tattoos, clothes. The machines people spend years building to give pleasure and arousal.  These bikers, outlaws, and fender bunnies might be unaware of just how in tune they are with their Sacral Chakra.

The arch of colors overhead created by the refraction of sunlight by raindrops in the atmosphere is maybe the only rainbow I’ve seen at Sturgis.  There’s plenty of orange though. 

Harley Davidson was built around orange.  There’s no shortage of orange motorcycles rolling around.  A multitude of orange T shirts line the sidewalks.  Quite a few of those shirts also have the orange face of President Trump.

I’m loading carrots and oranges for todays ride.  I am off to the Black Hills to find a spot to meditate and focus on the balance of my Sacral Chakra.  I’m ready to indulge in the sensual pleasures of this amazing universe made up of bandits and rainbows.

Safety Third